Saturday, February 28, 2009

What I've been up to lately!

Wow, it is almost embarrassing to me how long it has been since I have posted. Interning has pretty much taken up 99.9% of my life, which leaves me very very little time for much of anything else. But just because I have not been posting does not mean I am out of business. On the contrary, I have actually been making aisle runners like crazy! When I started Stunning Runners if was definitely off season for weddings, now that wedding season is in full bloom I am being bombarded with orders for beautiful aisle runners and candles.  Here are a few orders I have been busy with lately:

My sister-in-law Whitney asked me to make a monogram for a wedding shower she was hosting a few weeks back. Whitney was so creative and even had the monogram put on a cake for a shower, such a cute idea!

Here is a monogram I made for a bride in North Carolina:
And here is another aisle runner I made for a friend for her upcoming June wedding

Check back soon, there is more soon to come!

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